We’ve been approached by a few of our authorized dealers regarding this year’s SEMA Show taking place November 2-5, and whether we’d be exhibiting or not. Regretfully we have decided not to exhibit at this year’s show, or any show for that matter until 2nd quarter of 2022.
As a group TEIN decided that, in the best interests of our employees, it would be best to limit travel only for essential matters, as the world continues to work on resolution on the COVID-19 pandemic affecting all nations.
Sadly, this has kept us from meeting and speaking directly with many of our customers, whether at trade shows or at race events, or even car shows. However, we’d rather do our best to stay safe and continue working on manufacturing and distribution, as well as customer support through our branches, rather than risk the potential spread of COVID-19, or any of the existing variants, to our patrons.
This is in no way an effort to prevent any single person from attending any shows or events. In fact, we’re glad to see our side of the world open up once again to allow gatherings. We just hope that you’re all doing so in as safe a manner as possible. Your health is just as important to us, if not more so, than your patronage.
To all of you attending this year’s SEMA show, we hope you have an enjoyable time. Our apologies for not being in attendance this year. We do look forward to a better year in 2022, and in seeing you all once again very soon.