TEIN UnAuthorized Dealer Purchase Advisory

Why is it important to consider purchasing through a TEIN Authorized Dealer? This type of question is commonly asked by consumers looking to purchase product from non-authorized TEIN dealers. The reason we strongly suggest this is to avoid any issues with both product authenticity as well as any potential warranty claim.

Product which is claimed to be warrantied will have to be sent back through the seller in which the purchase had been made through. The reason for this is that the products selling origin must be traced back to the initial sale to the TEIN Authorized Dealer, helping us to confirm this purchase and purchase date. This is not always as easy to do, as many Online Retailers tend to push off the customer to the manufacturer for claims processing.

This demonstrates the overall service these types of sellers are willing take on when they  “assist their customers”. It’s sad to see that many sellers claim to have “Customer Service” only to make a quick sale, or bring up their seller points.


As we had mentioned both via blog posts and on our website, counterfeit TEIN products are still out there, whether they’re lowering springs or coilovers mimicking our product lines. At times the counterfeit can be distinguished by an image the seller uses, but certain counterfeits which look extremely similar usually need to be sent in for inspection.

Amazon Post

Purchasing through a TEIN Authorized Dealer assures you that the product is going to be a genuine TEIN item. Our authorized dealer will also be able to assist you with product installation and or technical support, and prompt assistance with claims as the records will be quick to access.