TEIN USA Operations Closed for Christmas and New Years Day

To our valued customers/readers,

TEIN USA Operations will be closed December 25th, 2017 in observance of Christmas, as well as on January 1st, 2018 in observance of New Year’s Day.

After Christmas, we will be opened on December 26th through December 29th.

After New Year’s Day, we will be opened from January 2nd.

Thank you for your understanding, as well as for your continued support this year!

We hope you have an enjoyable holiday!

Read Our Included Manual!

I think, like most people, we find ourselves capable of doing certain tasks ourselves. When it comes to working on cars, and modifying cars as a hobby, it’s one of the most rewarding tasks that I can think of. Whether it’s out of necessity (actual repair work) or simply for my enjoyment (performance or aesthetic modifications), I take joy and pride in knowing I’ve done the work on my car myself. “Built, Not Bought” (even though that is still technically incorrect for most cases) is something that many proud car owners state about their own work.

Also, once you’ve done a certain job on your car a couple of times, it’s almost guaranteed you know how to do it again without any assistance, or at least without having to refer to a manual of any kind. So it seems…..

That brings me to the title of this post: Read Our Included Manual!

I’m not trying to make any of you car people who wrench on your own cars feel bad by saying it, but a lot of you probably don’t care to look into any owner’s manual. You probably don’t really pay attention to such things as recommended torque values (and some car owners don’t even have a torque wrench), or if some OEM components will need to be reused with our suspension kit, as we recently came across on one of our Facebook posts. The original post was about something else, but one person decided to try and bash us about how is dust boots are falling apart, essentially stating how it is wrong for us to release such products if they’re not going to last.

However, after looking up the kit of his car (based on what type of car he mentioned and seeing the coilover kit, I looked up the owner’s manual for the kit and saw that it reuses the OEM dust boot, but that there is some modifications that need to be done to the dust boot prior to reinstallation. So, that’s exactly what I mention to him in a reply, including an image from the manual I was referring to.

This…… THIS…. is what I’m trying to get across when saying to read your owner’s manual. Now, I can’t help you if reading isn’t necessarily your forté. Sorry if that’s coming off as offensive in any way. Then again, you’d probably have problems reading this post anyway, so……

I took screen shots of the post and our reply (which was cut off a little bit, but you can get where we were going with it.) to save as a memento. I at least asked first if a shop installed the kit for him, which in doing so may end up being the excuse that we get (and that’s exactly what we got). Next thing you know, their original post was deleted along with our reply. But, we did get an apology (along with that explanation of a shop doing the suspension installation).


So, you know, if you can just do us a solid and make sure to check the owner’s manual. Or, instead of trying to just get your complaint across on our social media, just try to reach us directly (562-861-9161).